Patrick McCoy

Patrick McCoy

Patrick is a web designer with over 20 years experience in websites and design. He spends most of his days writing content and enjoys tinkering with anything web or design related. When he isn't work he is often watching a good movie.

What is a website load test


If you have been building a website for any length of time, you learn that after you doing designing, you will often test the site. These test have any types of different statics which can confuse someone new to WordPress. What…

Web Design for beginners

Web Design for beginners

After spending many years working as a web designer, I learned some hard lessons. In this article I want to share some of those lessons with you and save you some time. Web design isn’t some magical process, it involves…

How to Build a WordPress Site Offline

How to Build a WordPress Site Offline

When someone first uses WordPress, you can find yourself in a pickle. Because WordPress uses server based technologies, you need to have some kind of server in order for it to work. It can intimidate anyone who has never installed…

15 Web Design Questions to Ask

15 Web Design Questions to Ask

Someone just hiring a web designer or developer has a long list of questions they might want to ask them before they start a project.   We have compiled this list of common questions you will ask a web designer and…