Patrick McCoy

Patrick McCoy

Patrick is a web designer with over 20 years experience in websites and design. He spends most of his days writing content and enjoys tinkering with anything web or design related. When he isn't work he is often watching a good movie.

How to find WordPress Admin Login

How to find WordPress Admin Login

When I first started with WordPress, I had a lot of questions and one of the biggest was how do I login. Someone with a regular HTML website doesn’t have the problems that a WordPress site has. How to find…

Web Design vs Graphic Design

Web Design vs Graphic Design

Someone who is hiring a graphic designer can get lost with the terms web design and graphic design. There is so much overlap it can get most people confused from the start. In this article we are going to define…

Do you need Hosting for WordPress

Do you need Hosting for WordPress

Understanding how hosting, domains and WordPress can really stump someone who is just diving into website design or someone building their business online. Do you need hosting for WordPress? Yes. Someone has to host WordPress in order for it to…

Does WordPress work on a Chromebook?

Does WordPress work on a Chromebook?

Chromebooks are computers that have grown in popularity over the last five years. Chromebooks have made a name for themselves in the online space with cheaper web only computers. Does WordPress work on a Chromebook? WordPress works on a Chromebook…

Is WordPress Mobile Friendly?

Is WordPress Mobile Friendly?

People who have just used WordPress might have questions about if WordPress is mobile friendly. Since Google has been pressing hard on websites to be more mobile friendly it’s made people nervous about what is considered mobile friendly. Is WordPress mobile…